Elizabeth Glinka began her BBC career at Pebble Mill as researcher on Radio 4’s Farming Today in 2003. Elizabeth grew up and went to school in Stafford before studying politics at the University of Exeter. Elizabeth Glinka worked on a variety of factual programmes for BBC Radio 4, Radio 5 Live and the Asian Network.
In 2007 Elizabeth Glinka worked for Asian Network news in Birmingham and Leicester before spending two years as a radio car reporter and newsreader at BBC Hereford and Worcester. She headed home to Staffordshire in 2009 to take up the role of political reporter for BBC Radio Stoke and the Politics Show on BBC One.
In 2011 Elizabeth Glinka took over as political reporter for the West Midlands working for BBC WM, Midlands Today and the Sunday Politics. She lives in Birmingham.
I want to see more of Elizabeth on BBCMidlands Today ….she lovely …Good enough reason.
… goddabee : ` GLINKABILITY !` … / hahaha …
Paul cliff
@ElizabethGlinka isn’t it more about being good at your job? Keep up the good work Elizabeth